
Welcome to the ag娱乐官网 Office of 残疾人服务 (DS).  ag娱乐官网 is committed to providing the support needed for equal access and equal educational opportunity for each 学生.  If a 学生 has a documented disability that could impact the pursuit of an education, 住宿可以通过联系残疾协调员提出要求.  的 学生 必须申请住宿才能获得住宿.  Accommodation plans are created specifically for the 学生 by the disability coordinator.  所有服务都符合1973年康复法案第504条的规定, 《1990年美国残疾人法案, 以及随后的州和联邦立法.

Physical facilities for disabled stakeholders and visitors include the following:
  • Strobes in restrooms, classrooms and public areas activated whenever audible alarms sound
  • Wheelchair lift between the Bradley Student Center and the Pioneer Pavilion
  • Ground floor exits on each floor of the 3-story business building because of the hilly terrain.
  • 大多数室外出口和指定卫生间的门卫协助
  • 点播房间号
  • 充足的指定停车位,包括升降货车的无障碍空间
  • 在入口处削减路沿
  • 轮椅高度的喷泉和水槽
  • 轮椅高度电脑桌
  • 减少分心测试室

ag娱乐官网 requests that 学生s seeking 住宿 follow the disability 住宿 request procedure to ensure that appropriate 住宿 are available. 

Students requesting 住宿 should complete the online 残疾服务学生入学表格 at least two weeks before the 住宿 are needed.  This allows time for the process to be completed and ensures 住宿 are in place to maximize success.  如果学生想要纸质表格的话, the 学生 may request that form from the 残疾人服务 Coordinator or from the 建议 Center.  Assistance in completing the form may also be requested from either party. 

This must be done each semester to request 住宿 because 学生 schedules change on a semester basis.  也, 住宿 are not retroactive; therefore, 学生s are encouraged to complete the accommodation request process before the start of classes or as early as possible in the semester if the 学生 suspects an accommodation may be needed.

After the 残疾人服务 Coordinator (DSC) receives the 残疾服务学生入学表格,  DSC将要求提供适当的文件, and an interview with the 学生 may be scheduled to discuss appropriate 住宿 and an accommodation plan with be created. 大多数残疾都需要某种形式的证明文件.  例子包括医生的来信, 包括诊断的报告或账单, 以及包括诊断在内的iep.  在商定住宿条件后, the 学生 completes the 学生合同 and the DSC creates accommodation letters to be given to the instructors by the 学生 requesting 住宿.  的 学生 can elect to receive the accommodation letters by email or in person from the DSC.  不管用什么方法, it is the 学生’s responsibility to give the instructor the accommodation letters.  的 学生 is expected to visit with the instructor regarding the accommodation letter to ensure that both the 学生 and instructor understand the accommodation and how to proceed through the class.  的 instructor then completes the receipt of the accommodation letter and submits it to the DSC.

If the 学生 feels that the accommodation is not being met according to the accommodation letter, 那么他或她应该立即联系DSC寻求帮助.
Students requesting 住宿 MUST complete the 残疾服务学生入学表格 and 学生合同 each semester to ensure that the appropriate 住宿 are suited for the scheduled courses.
  • 所有 records concerning 学生 disabilities are protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  • Disability records to not follow you when you transfer to another college or university and are not shared with employers.
Any ag娱乐官网 学生 who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination or harassment on the basis of disability or has been denied access or 住宿 required by law may make a complaint using this procedure. 一般来说,504/ADA投诉涉及以下类型的问题:
  • 对请求的服务有分歧或拒绝, 住宿, 或对ag娱乐官网实践或要求的修改
  • 声称无法进入北卡计划或活动
  • 涉嫌基于残疾的骚扰或歧视
  • 任何其他涉嫌违反《美国残疾人法》和/或第504条的行为.
*的 第504条|美国残疾人法申诉程序 does not supersede other ag娱乐官网 pololcies and procedures
Students may first discuss a concern directly with the staff or faculty member involved to reach an informal resolution or they may choose to contact the DSC for assistance. 如果学生选择使用DSC的帮助, he/she should contact the DSC within 30 days of the event or action giving rise to the 学生’s concern, and the DSC will discuss the issue with the 学生 and other parties involved within 10 days in an effort to resolve the issue. DSC将通知学生非正式申诉的结果.
Students who wish to initiate a formal grievance procedure should complete a 反馈论坛 form and follow 学术 or 非学术的不满 程序视乎投诉的性质而定. 的 DSC or other staff member with knowledge of disability 住宿 will be included in discussions concerning grievance resolution and any appeals.

In accordance with the requirement of 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of 《1990年美国残疾人法案 (ADA) ag娱乐官网 will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, 项目, 或活动. ag娱乐官网 does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. 部门. 教育,美国.S. 部门. 司法,和美国.S. 平等就业机会委员会.
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